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Direct Credit is where you deposit the funds into our bank account, using phone or internet banking or by manually depositing the money in our account.

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The following order confirmation page will give you instructions and our bank account details. If you have selected to have us email a receipt of your order, the email will also contain direct credit instructions together with our bank account details.

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Brewski Pro Vacuum Stubby Cooler
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Brewski Pro Vacuum Stubby Cooler

SKU 126555


  • 300ml double wall vacuum stubby cooler
  • Fits most standard cans & bottles
  • Built-in bottle opener
  • Multiple uses: stubby holder, can cooler, and a tumbler all in one


Smart 300ml double wall, vacuum insulated stainless steel stubby cooler with a powder coat finish, that will keep beverages cold for longer. The Brewski Pro has a secure screw on top, a built-in bottle opener, and fits most standard cans and bottles. BPA-free and laser engraves to a shiny steel finish. This product is not dishwasher safe and handwashing is recommended.


Name Description
Capacity 300ml
Insulation Vacuum
Collar Attachment Thread
BPA Free Yes
Finish Powder Coated
Engraving Finish Shiny Steel

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White, Black.
PMS Colours


  • Stubby Cooler: Dia 80.5mm x H 132.5mm
  • Gift Box: H 140mm x W 85mm x 86mm


  • Cooler: 304 Stainless Steel inner, 201 Stainless Steel outer
  • Collar: Polypropylene (PP)

Unbranded Prices

No surprises... the price you see is the price you pay

Qty 10 25 50 100 250 500
Price $15.17 $14.97 $14.77 $14.57 $14.37 $14.17
  • Per unit excluding GST

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